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What are the questions that make you feel hesitate to choose us?

Wastewater refers to any water that has been used and contaminated in various ways such as from domestic, industrial, agricultural, or commercial activities. It is unsafe, unclean and polluted because it typically contains a variety of harmful pollutants including organic matter, pathogens, chemicals and nutrients. That is why treating your wastewater before releasing it into the environment is crucial for protecting our environment and public health. By treating wastewater, remove these pollutants and ensure that the water we release back into the environment is clean and safe. This helps prevent spread of diseases, protects aquatic habitats, and ensures water security. In short, treating wastewater is essential for maintaining a healthier and sustainable planet for current and future generations.

Yes, wastewater is indeed a significant environmental and public health concern globally. Globally, 80% of untreated wastewater has discharged directly into the water bodies without proper treatment or reused. There are several factors why this issue still remain unsolved

  1. Complexity of advanced technologies: wastewater often requires advanced technologies and professional skill, posing challenges in implementation, operation and maintenance systems.


  1. High cost of treatment: wastewater treatment can be quite expensive, especially when considering the procurement of equipment and technologies, Operation and maintenance cost. Moreover, importing the products from other countries adds to overall expense, therefore people are not willing to invest on that. 


  1. Limit awareness and education: Insufficient public awareness and education about the importance of proper wastewater management and inadequate regulation enforcement could allow pollution to persist unchecked.


  1. Lack of technical human resources: Another significant challenge is the shortage of technical human resources trained to work in this sector. This shortage could lead to affect the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment systems as well as the development and implementation of effective management strategies.


Due to the urgent need of wastewater treatment solutions that is why SUDrain is here. We provide you with our simple, innovative and affordable solutions. Moreover, We will transform your waste into resources. Treated wastewater from your home can be recycled for your irrigation purpose as well. How amazing it is !

Wastewater treatment plays an important role for business and resort owners especially in the area where public drainage infrastructure is limited and close to natural water bodies. Without wastewater treatment can lead to severe consequences such as negative impact on business branding, guest experience, environment and public health. Discharging untreated wastewater into water bodies can cause environmental pollution and health issues, especially damage the reputation of the business or resort.  


Therefore, implementing wastewater treatment systems to ensure the compliance with regulatory standard, environmental protection, and ensuring the health safety of guests and communities. Additionally, treated wastewater can be recycled for irrigation purposes in your resort or hotel, reducing the reliance on fresh water sources and lowering the operation cost.

Our eco-friendly wastewater treatment system is portable and energy-free, functioning well and providing safe discharge to water bodies. The biofilter is customizable to apply in PE septic tank systems and plant gravel filters as wetland natural wastewater treatment.

Coconut fiber is primarily composed of cellulose and lignin. These components contribute to its fibrous and porous structure creating a large surface area that serves as a habitat for microorganisms including bacteria and fungi to break down the organic matter and pollutants which makes it suitable for applications like biofilters in wastewater treatment. Moreover, coconut fiber exhibits resistance to decay and degradation, allowing it to maintain its structure integrity and filtration efficiency overtime, even in the harsh conditions of wastewater treatment. This durability ensures long-term performance and reliability in the wastewater treatment process.

To discuss your project requirement or request for a quotation, please contact our team through the online inquiry form on our website, facebook page, or reach out to us directly via email: or telegram: 017 571 661. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you! 

Coconut fiber filter offer several advantages, including:

  • Natural and local product 100%
  • High surface area for effective filtration 
  • Excellent absorption properties for removal the pollutants
  • Biodegradable and environmental friendly (Renewable, recyclable and compostable)
  • Low cost compared to other commercial media

The lifespan of coconut fiber filters can vary depending on factors such as wastewater flow rate, pollutant concentration, and maintenance practices. In general, the filters need to be replaced after 3 to 5 years. For replacement of the filters, we recommend you to call our service for suggestions, and the cost of the filter is very affordable.

Yes of course, coconut fiber filters are biodegradable and can be composted or disposed of in accordance with local waste management regulation. Alternatively, used filters may be repurposed for other applications such as composting if feasible.

Absolutely yes! Based on our previous experience and this is also one of our remarkable achievements so far, we successfully installed floating toilets with sewage treatment systems for the floating communities living along the Bassac River at Prasat commune, S’and district Kandal province that showcase our commitment to environmental sustainability and community well-being. For details on this project, please check out our project on SUDrain’s website. 

We are excited to explore how we can assist your floating community project or any areas that require wastewater solutions. For the most accurate information and costing, please contact us for more.

Our systems are pretty simple, easy to install, and maintain. We also provide the user guideline for maintenance of the system as well.  We encourage convenience and the system’s long-term efficiency, you have to follow the guideline. If there is any concern, please reach out to our team for support.


No.33A st.183, Tumnoptoeuk,
Boeung Keng Kang, PP

+855 (0) 17 57 16 61

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SUDrain, we offer our customers a wide range of environmental solutions and help address their environmental and sustainability challenges.

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